
SEO Tips for 2023

Blake Wisz
September 19, 2022

It’s no secret that Google has ownership over organic search. In the past few months, Google has rolled out major updates to its search engine, making it even harder for websites to get found by their users (SERP). If you’re not optimizing your site for the new algorithm, you may as well kiss goodbye to your organic traffic and any chance at getting discovered by potential customers in the future. With all this being said, it’s time we started strategizing ways we can start getting our site back on track in order to achieve our long-term goal of success again… or at least until they roll out another algorithm update that wipes us out completely once again! 

In this blog post, we will be sharing several SaaS tools we can use to optimize our website and bring us closer toward a successful digital marketing strategy in the coming year. After reading through this post and bookmarking these resources, you will be well equipped with all the information necessary to begin implementing these changes today.


Tools to support your SEO strategies

To get started here is a simple list of SaaS tools that can be used to help you optimize your website today. Take a look at these tools and see if there’s anything you can implement on your site.

 - Google Analytics 

- Google Search Console 

- Google Alerts (Stay up to date on new trending topics around your business)

- SEMrush (Awesome courses to get started)

- Ahrefs 

- Spyfu 

- Keyword Planner 


How SEO is an ongoing practice

One thing that is always changing with SEO is how Google ranks your website. Building a successful SEO strategy takes time, effort, and experimentation. It’s also important to remember that SEO is an ongoing practice. There are new strategies emerging every day and you have to keep pace in order to stay competitive. Follow SEO newsletters, experts, and agencies to see what the chatter is for your business. However, the important thing here is consistency over time.


Where to get started with SEO for your business

We are able to optimize our websites by using keyword research and creating content that is easy for Google's algorithm to find. In order to do this, we need tools that not only help us create content but also help us monitor the performance of our site. These tools will be helpful in optimizing your website and taking care of all your SEO needs. Here are some helpful tools you can use: 

- Search Console: Search console allows you to see what keywords people are searching for on your website and the keywords they used when they found your site.

- SEMrush: This tool allows you to see what keywords people are searching for on your website and how effective your content is for each keyword. They also offer a position tracker for keywords that can help gamify the small wins when you increase page rank. My personal favorite! 

- Ahrefs: This tool allows you to see what keywords people are searching for on your website, how many people are visiting from search engines, how many people are clicking through to your website from organic results, what pages of your website these visitors came from, and much more!


Taking the first step to SEO inaction 

The first step you should take is to get started with SEO and start optimizing your website. If you are new to this process, then you should start by doing a course from SemRush on how on to optimize your website, as well as some of the top SEO mistakes that are recommend to avoid. Once you’ve got a good grasp of how these terms work and what they can do for your business, then it’s time to set up your own SEO strategy. This includes building content around the keywords that matter most for your company and creating a comprehensive digital marketing plan for 2023.


Creating value with content based on SEO

Google announced that they would start penalizing websites that have low quality content. This means you have to create value with your website in order to keep it relevant in the search engine rankings. You may wonder what the difference is between creating value and just optimizing your content for SEO. Creating value is about finding ways to make your content stand out from the rest of the crowd and providing appealing information for your visitors. If you want to see a positive change in organic search traffic, focus on creating value with your content rather than simply optimizing it for SEO. The benefits of outsourcing SEO can be significant for small businesses who don't have the resources or expertise necessary to develop their own strategy; businesses can focus their energy on other aspects of their company instead while getting a professional's insight into how they are performing online.



What is SEO?

SEO is the process of improving the visibility of your website in online search engine result pages (SERPs). There are a number of ways to increase the visibility of your website in the search engine results pages, however the most common way is to optimise your website for better keyword rankings. The various types of optimisation include:

On-Page Optimisation: This refers to the creation and maintenance of content on your website that optimises for relevant keywords. This can be done by adding relevant keywords to header tags and page titles, as well as throughout the content of individual pages. Using internal and external links can also optimise your content for higher search visibility.

Off-Page Optimisation: This refers to the creation and maintenance of links pointing to your website from high quality websites that are relevant to your domain. Link building is an important part of SEO, however it’s not always easy to know where to begin from. There are many resources available online that can help you with this step including forums and blogs.

How often should I do SEO?

SEO is an inexact science, there is no one right way get your SEO game ahead. The best advice is to measure your results and iterate as necessary. The key is to understand what works and what doesn’t, listen to your site’s data, and be prepared to make changes quickly. Some tips for getting your SEO strategy off the ground: 

• Start with a clear objective. Do you want more traffic or more rankings? 

• Figure out what kind of results you're looking for. Are you looking for increased rankings? More engagement? More leads? 

• Understand your website's current rank and how it corresponds with your goals. If your website is performing well but not at the level you'd like, it's a good place to start. 

• Find competitive keywords that are driving traffic to your competitors' websites and that you haven't yet gotten exposure for on yours. Work on optimizing your content and site for these keywords so that they'll be more likely to rank well. 

• Understand your current website's ranking across relevant search engine result pages (SERPs). Are you landing high on the first page? Is there room for improvement?

• Research how many backlinks each of these pages is getting and how effective they are. Are you buying too many low-quality backlinks or are they adding value to your site's ranking? Do some sites have more inbound links than outbound links, which may be contributing to their high ranking but also obscuring their true authority?

Does Chasing Creative do SEO work?

Yes, Chasing Creative does SEO! By looking at the average size of the organic traffic on your website, you can determine if your currently SEO efforts are paying off. If your website is getting thousands of unique visitors every single day, but only a small percentage of these are coming from search engines, then your SEO efforts aren’t working. However, if your site is getting very few unique visitors but they’re all coming from search engines, then you’re on the right track with SEO. We provide basic insights to get your running and classic monitoring of traffic for a monthly fee.

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